
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Australian Personal Trainer Debunks Those Infuriating 'Before And After' Weight Loss Pictures

Today is one of those rainy Sundays where most of us find ourselves staying and and keeping warm, at least this is what it is like in Vancouver, BC lol.  Bored of the same old things, I choice to read articles on the internet to pass the time.  As luck would have it, I came across this great blog by an Austalian personal trainer, named Mel.     

So fed up with misleading “Before and After” pictures used to sell fitness programs and diet pills, Mel
decided to make her own transformation in under 15 minutes (via Gawker).

All it took was better posture, some fake tanning lotion, and black bathing suit bottoms:

“Check out my transformation! It took me 15 minutes,” Mel wrote to her followers on Instagram.
“Wanna know my secret? Well firstly I ditched the phonewallet (fwallet) cause that **** is lame, swapped my bather bottoms to black (cause they’re a size bigger and black is slimming), smothered on some fake tan, clipped in my hair extensions, stood up a bit taller, sucked in my guts, popped my hip, threw in a skinny arm, stood a bit wider #boxgap, pulled my shoulders back and added a bit of a cheeky/I’m so proud of my results smile. Zoomed in on the before pic, zoomed out on the after and added a filter. Cause filters make everything awesome.”

She would later  follow up on this idea with a blog post on how misleading transformation pictures can be, and the dangers of having unrealistic expectations for quick results.

“What a before and after shot doesn’t tell you how the person achieved it,” she writes. “It doesn’t tell you if they did it a healthy way or if they starved themselves for weeks on end to get there.”

“It also doesn’t show you the persons mental state, their self worth, how [many] hours of exercise they did, the lifestyle they live, the early mornings, how they handled social situations or how many skinny mini teas they chugged, [etc.]”

 Check out her full blog post here.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Good news -> I am back

So it's been awhile since my last post.  Where have I been, you ask.  The answer, traveling around Europe for a month (longest I have ever travelled). I have now been back for a little over a month and let me tell you, it's been a struggle to adapt back to normal life.  To paint you a picture, imagine me, jet-lagged as shit, arriving back at richmond airport (in the great Vancouver, BC) just as the staff were setting up the Christmas decorations. I am back!  I am speaking to none other than Christmas, that jolly jolly chaotic mess near the end of the year. And as we all know, it happens every December 25th. So, ready or not... Go.  Fuck!

But I digress, Christmas is over. And like always, I survived.  It was a blast while it was here but it's time to move back on with life.  Back to where I left off, I am grad to say that I am moving full swing again.  Daily routines are returning and feeling familiar again (thank god lol).  Cleaning up after myself still needs some fine tuning, but it's getting easier each day - I am living with the fact that I forgot to pack my stewards with me back home lol.

So the good news from here is you all will be hearing a whole bunch more from me in the new year.  Till then!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Nutritional Value of a Dragonfruit

Summer is almost over, so everyone do yourself a favour (if you haven't already) and  run as fast as you can to your nearest supermarket (or Asian Market) to buy the last remaining Dragonfruits.  In fact, go around the city.  You won't be sorry.  

Dragonfruit are football-shaped and have a leathery, leafy skin that is deep red or pink in color. It comes in three varieties, red flesh, white flesh and yellow flesh, all of which are embedded with hundreds of tiny black seeds and have a mild, sweet taste.  To enjoy this fruit, it is best to it eat cold.  After cutting the fruits in half, you just have to spoon the flesh out.  You can eat the seeds.  Simple, right! 

For those that aren't familiar with this fabulous fruit, it originates from the cactus family, specifically the genus Hylocereus or sweet pitayas.  Dragonfruits are common in Asia (particularly in Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines) and in Central and South America. They are among the many wonder fruits that are said to provide multiple health benefits

Lets quickly highlight the great benefits of the Dragonfruit:


1. Calories

If you are looking for fruits that are filling and delicious, but will help keep your weight in check, dragonfruits are a perfect choice. A 100g serving of dragonfruit has only 60 calories: 18 calories from fat (all unsaturated), 8 calories from protein and 34 calories from carbohydrates. As an added bonus, Dragonfruits do not have complex carbohydrates, so they can be easily broken down by the body.


2. Fats and Cholesterol

Dragonfruits do not contain cholesterol, saturated fat and trans fat, so regular consumption will help manage your blood pressure and control your cholesterol levels. The seeds of dragonfruits are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids) that reduce triglycerides and lower the risk of cardiovascular disorder.


3. Fiber

Dragonfruits are high in fiber, so regular consumption can help avoid constipation, improve your digestive health and help you reduce weight.


4. Vitamins and Minerals

Dragonfruits are rich in vitamin C, containing 9mg per serving that is equivalent to 10 percent of the daily value. Thus, eating dragonfruits helps strengthen your immune system and promotes faster healing of bruises and wounds. In fact, regular eating of dragonfruits will help ward off chronic respiratory disorders such as asthma and cough. Dragonfruits also contain B vitamins such as B1 for better carbohydrate metabolism, B2 for recovery and improvement of appetite, and B3 for reducing bad cholesterol while improving the skin condition.

Dragonfruits are also packed with minerals such as calcium for stronger bones and teeth, phosphorus for tissue formation and iron for healthy blood. One dragonfruit contains approximately 8.8g of calcium, 36.1mg of phosphorus and 0.65mg of iron.  Don't ask how I know this - sometimes I surprise myself lol.


5. Phytoalbumins / Antioxidants

Dragonfruits contain phytoalbumins, which have antioxidant properties that help prevent the formation of cancer cells. In addition, dragonfruits are also known to increase the excretion of heavy metal toxins from the body.

6. Lycopene

Lycopene is also present in dragonfruits, and this is the pigment responsible for their red color. Lycopene is said to prevent prostate cancer.

In addition to being great for us, Dragonfruits also help protect the environment by absorbing carbon dioxide, converting it into oxygen and releasing it to purify the air at night.  True Story!

To end this post, here is a fun idea on how to consume a dragonfruit (credit for pic).

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

15 Tips to Restart the Exercise Habit (and How to Keep It)

As a trainer, I've heard all the reasons to why someone has failed their program.  Want to guess what is the most common?

Loss of Motivation.

Once you have an exercise habit, it becomes automatic. You just go to the gym, there is no force involved. But after a month, two months or possibly a year off, it can be hard to get started again. Here are some tips to climb back on that treadmill after you’ve fallen off.
  1. Don’t Break the Habit – The easiest way to keep things going is simply not to stop. Avoid long breaks in exercising or rebuilding the habit will take some effort. This may be advice a little too late for some people. But if you have an exercise habit going, don’t drop it at the first sign of trouble.
  2. Reward Showing Up – Woody Allen once said that, “Half of life is showing up.” I’d argue that 90% of making a habit is just making the effort to get there. You can worry about your weight, amount of laps you run or the amount you can bench press later.
  3. Commit for Thirty Days – Make a commitment to go every day (even just for 20 minutes) for one month. This will solidify the exercise habit. By making a commitment you also take pressure off yourself in the first weeks back of deciding whether to go.
  4. Make it Fun – If you don’t enjoy yourself at the gym, it is going to be hard to keep it a habit. There are thousands of ways you can move your body and exercise, so don’t give up if you’ve decided lifting weights or doing crunches isn’t for you. Many large fitness centers will offer a range of programs that can suit your tastes.
  5. Schedule During Quiet Hours – Don’t put exercise time in a place where it will easily be pushed aside by something more important. Right after work or first thing in the morning are often good places to put it. Lunch-hour workouts might be too easy to skip if work demands start mounting.
  6. Get a Buddy – Grab a friend to join you. Having a social aspect to exercising can boost your commitment to the exercise habit.
  7. X Your Calendar – One person I know has the habit of drawing a red “X” through any day on the calendar he goes to the gym. The benefit of this is it quickly shows how long it has been since you’ve gone to the gym. Keeping a steady amount of X’s on your calendar is an easy way to motivate yourself.
  8. Enjoyment Before Effort - After you finish any work out, ask yourself what parts you enjoyed and what parts you did not. As a rule, the enjoyable aspects of your workout will get done and the rest will be avoided. By focusing on how you can make workouts more enjoyable, you can make sure you want to keep going to the gym.
  9. Create a Ritual - Your workout routine should become so ingrained that it becomes a ritual. This means that the time of day, place or cue automatically starts you towards grabbing your bag and heading out. If your workout times are completely random, it will be harder to benefit from the momentum of a ritual.
  10. Stress Relief - What do you do when your stressed? Chances are it isn’t running. But exercise can be a great way to relieve stress, releasing endorphin which will improve your mood. The next time you feel stressed or tired, try doing an exercise you enjoy. When stress relief is linked to exercise, it is easy to regain the habit even after a leave of absence.
  11. Measure Fitness - Weight isn’t always the best number to track. Increase in muscle can offset decreases in fat so the scale doesn’t change even if your body is. But fitness improvements are a great way to stay motivated. Recording simple numbers such as the number of push-ups, sit-ups or speed you can run can help you see that the exercise is making you stronger and faster.
  12. Habits First, Equipment Later – Fancy equipment doesn’t create a habit for exercise. Despite this, some people still believe that buying a thousand dollar machine will make up for their inactivity. It won’t. Start building the exercise habit first, only afterwards should you worry about having a personal gym.
  13. Isolate Your Weakness - If falling off the exercise wagon is a common occurrence for you, find out why. Do you not enjoy exercising? Is it a lack of time? Is it feeling self-conscious at the gym? Is it a lack of fitness know-how? As soon as you can isolate your weakness, you can make steps to improve the situation.
  14. Start Small - Trying to run fifteen miles your first workout isn’t a good way to build a habit. Work below your capacity for the first few weeks to build the habit. Otherwise you might scare yourself off after a brutal workout.
  15. Go for Yourself, Not to Impress – Going to the gym with the only goal of looking great is like starting a business with only the goal to make money. The effort can’t justify the results. But if you go to the gym to push yourself, gain energy and have a good time, then you can keep going even when results are slow.

Rethink what you know about fruit

Too many times I hear from people that fruit is this or that (ie. high in sugar, high in calories, etc).  I'm not sure where that misguided information originated but I can tell you it's simply not true.  If your an active individual, fruits should be your best friend.  Not only does it provide the body with much needed vitamins and minerals, it also is a great source of natural sugars.  If your unfamiliar with natural vs processed sugars, here is the skinny, the body is very efficient at digesting and converting natural sugars into usable energy.  When was the last time you heard from someone that they were feeling sluggish and tired (an effect of ingesting too much processed sugars) after eating fruit.  Did I forget to mention, that they are also so damn delicious too!! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Skipping breakfast may lead to higher risk of heart attack, heart disease

Just wanted to take some time out of my day to post this link that was sent to me about the importance of eating breakfast. Great 3:30 min video that highlights the risk of skipping breakfast. We all have 4 min to spare in the day, do yourself a favour and check out it out - it just might change the way you view breakfast.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Lychee, a small but powerful berry

If you been in your local market as of late you've probably notice that Lychees are in season again.  Known only to be available (fresh) in the summer time, this fruit is a rare delight.  If you haven't already tried one, do yourself a favour and pick up a pound or two. 

Lychee, translated from Chinese as ‘gift for a joyful life’, surely lives up to its name. The lychee fruit contains vitamins and minerals that promote a healthy diet, it is sweet and delicious and it has been enjoyed joyfully by natives of southeast Asia for centuries.

Anyone who eats the lychee fruit immediately falls in love with it. But if the fact that lychee is so delicious doesn’t not convince you to try it, maybe hearing some of the health benefits of lychee will make you give this tropical fruit a second look.


Health benefits of Lychee

1.  Lychee fruit contains 66 calories per 100 g, comparable to that in the table-grapes. It has no saturated fats or cholesterol, but composes of good amounts of dietary fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.

2.  Research studies suggest that oligonol, a low molecular weight polyphenol, is found abundantly in lychee fruit. Oligonol is thought to have anti-oxidant and anti-influenza virus actions. In addition, it helps improve blood flow in organs, reduce weight, and protect skin from harmful UV rays.
3.  Litchi, like citrus fruits, is an excellent source of vitamin C; 100 g fresh fruits provide 71.5 mg or 119% of daily-recommended value. Studies suggest that consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps the human body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals.
4.  Further, it is a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin, and folates. These vitamins are essential since they function by acting as co-factors to help the body metabolize carbohydrates, protein, and fats

5.  Litchi also contains a very good amount of minerals like potassium and copper. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids help control heart rate and blood pressure; thus, it offers protection against stroke and coronary heart diseases. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Surprising Health Benefits of the Cantaloupe

You might have read that I was recently hit with a bad case of food poisoning.  To say the least, the two weeks I lost because of it was not a highlight of my month.  But, with every con, there is a pro waiting to be discovered.  Luckily for me, I think I may have discovered it early.  Once I started to get back to my normal routines, I began to think about the food I was putting into my body.  More importantly, why I was putting it into my body.  After a short ponder, I realized I was no expert in this area.  Therefore, I did what most of my generation do when we need to know the answer to a question, I googled it lol.   
I choice to start my search with what I was currently eating at the time, a cantaloupe. 
The cantaloupe is a species of melon found in the Cucurbitacae family.  For those that like fun facts, sorry to say, that is my first and only fun fact about the cantaloupe that I will be sharing.  Now lets quickly fast-forward to the fun stuff, the great benefits of the cantaloupe.  

1. Great Source of Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene

If you are looking to incorporate vitamin A sources into your diet then cantaloupes will make a great addition to your diet plan.  In fact, cantaloupes contain concentrated amounts of beta-carotene. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A.  Both nutrients are essential for the maintenance of healthy eyesight.  In a study that included more than 50,000 women whose ages ranged from 45 to 67, it was found that those who consumed high amounts of vitamin A on a daily basis reduced their risk of developing cataracts by as much as 40%.  Those women who ate cantaloupes as a regular part of their diet also had a lower risk of surgery from cataracts.  On the contrary, women whose diets included a lot of salt, butter and unhealthy fats had a higher risk of cataract surgery.  Research has also shown that there may be a possible link between beta-carotene and cancer prevention.

2. Great Source of Vitamin C

Aside from being a significant source of vitamin A, cantaloupes are also good sources of vitamin C.  Vitamin C is an antioxidant which functions in the water-soluble parts of the body.  As you might know, antioxidants help fight free radicals in your body.  Free radicals spread damage to your cells, causing diseases and signs of aging.  Vitamin C also strengthens your immune system by stimulating your white blood cells.  Your white blood cells are responsible for killing viruses, bacteria and other foreign elements that seek to enter your body.

3. Promotes the Health of Your Lungs

A recent study showed that consumption of a vitamin A-rich food like cantaloupe is also beneficial to smokers.  If you’re a smoker or someone who is constantly exposed to second-hand smoke then you might want to make cantaloupes a regular part of your diet.  One of the carcinogens found in cigarette smoke reportedly created a vitamin A deficiency in the body.  When you start incorporating more vitamin A into your diet, the deficiency is reversed and you also lower your risk of developing lung diseases like emphysema.

4. Prevents Cardiovascular Disease

Cantaloupes are also rich in a compound called adenosine.  Adenosine is typically administered to patients who have heart disease since this compound has blood-thinning properties. When your blood is thin, you can prevent blood-clotting in the cardiovascular system.  The folate present in cantaloupes and all types of melons also help in preventing a heart attack.

5. Reduces Stress

Cantaloupe might also be an ideal fruit to eat during those times when you are feeling anxious and stressed.  Cantaloupe is rich in potassium which normalizes the heartbeat and promotes the supply of oxygen to the brain.  As a result, you feel more relaxed and focused.
Hope everyone found this interesting.  Stayed tuned for more about other foods, mainly their benefits lol.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

SYMFIT Team hikes scheduled for the last Sunday of every month

If you're a reader from Vancouver, BC come join me and the SYMFIT team for our monthly hikes.  There is no charge to join in on the fun.  Come out and say hi, meet some new friends, and feel free to pick the brains of two elite personal trainers.       

Hiking Notes: Please Read
  • Hikes begin at 10:00am from a predetermined place
  • Preregistration is required: to register for a hike please email or leave me a comment (and i'll get back to you personally).
  • All Levels Welcome (Black Tusk is available for intermediate-advanced hikers)
  • All hikes and trekking require proper footwear, hydration packs, and are guided by one of your coaches
The Hikes:

Lions Hike | Sunday May 26, 2013
Chief | Sunday June 30, 2013
Black Tusk | Sunday July 28, 2013
Garabaldi | Sunday August 28, 2013

For more info CLICK HERE - There is in fact a typo with the time on the page, it should  say 10 am.  Everything else on that page is correct.  Website is not 100% complete yet, we are slowly putting the final touches on it - check back soon!! 

Finding Your Groove Again When Your Training Gets Disrupted

Sometimes we can find a groove in our training, during this time we’re motivated to workout every day, we’re feeling optimal and hitting our fitness goals – what could be better! – And then everything comes to a screeching halt.  Any number of unforeseen events can come along and pull you away from your groove: Getting an illness, an injury, a family emergency, personal crisis, prepping for a special event, moving, your favorite running route getting blocked off, or a relaxing holiday that becomes extra relaxing.

When this happens, best advice I can give - Go easy on yourself.  Many people tend to revert to berating themselves when they lose the path.  Beating yourself up is not going to get you any more motivated.  There’s nothing more taxing that feeling guilty and ashamed.  Instead, you can choose to embrace it and find a way through it.

Recently, I acquired an illness that disrupted my whole system.  My favorite physical activities - yoga, running, & fitness were inaccessible to me for a few weeks, after having been in a comfortable groove for some time. I had a choice: I could wallow and think wistfully about the good old days, or… I could find a way through this. In choosing the latter, I was faced with the task of being willing to try new forms of movement that wouldn’t compromise my injury or cause me pain. It was an opportunity for growth, in that I practiced willingness, adaptability and stretched out of my comfort zone.

 Here are some lessons I benefited from (and teach my clients):

1. Reduce your attachment to one way of doing things.

Although you may be really connected to the routines you have, or one type of movement; it is really essential to apply a key life skill here: the ability to adapt. Shake things up every once in a while by squeezing in a different workout.

2. Create a backup fitness plan.

Think of a fitness back-up plan as an insurance policy: Our fitness activities keep us in top form (emotionally and mentally as well) for handling life’s events and challenges.  If you relied solely on one activity, then everything would fall apart if that gets disrupted in any way.  If your body is used to output, you may risk becoming a little depressed when it stops movement; so be sure to have a small list of alternative ways you can get movement in, and most importantly, practice these every once in a while.  Schedule in one “Plan B” workout every 2 weeks, even if it’s not your favorite.  It’s kind of like a ‘fire drill’ practice: its good to be prepared for anything.

3. Be willing to get creative within your limitations.

Even though you may have found what works for you, if you are disrupted or limited somehow, then it’s time to think outside the box. There are many, many opportunities for physical movement, or high-impact mini-workouts for those who face time constraints.  For instance, ask fit friends about their workout preferences.  Also, consider asking a personal trainer to help you discover new exercises or activities - they are great resources for bringing in new forms of physical movement into your life.  Don;t be afraid to ask me lol :)

4. Tolerate a learning curve for your new forms of movement.

If indeed you have said yes to an exercise back up plan, be aware that you may take some time getting used to it.  All mastery requires a stage of awkwardness.  Also, keep your ego in check.  It may convince you that because this new movement is awkward or difficult, that it’s not worth pursuing.  Ignore it and keep on moving.

"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” - Bruce Lee

All throughout life we will be faced with distractions, disruptions and unforeseen events. Nothing can ever stay comfortably predictable. The facts: committing to physical wellness involves much more than finding a routine you like and sticking with it.  The ability to adapt with the punches, combined with determination, topped with a consistent readiness to step out of your comfort zone -if need be- are traits of individuals who live active lifestyles.  Hope you found this interesting and helpful :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A personal trainers workout: Post-Food Poisoning (I'm back bitches!!)

Before I begin, sorry that it has been a while since my last post.  Like usual, life has been busy.  Happy to say, that lots of work has been going into the SYMFIT website - it is almost finished!!!  Fingers crossed for end of the month :) 

As for the title - Part of my disappearance was due to an illness, this time around, food poisoning.  How bad was it - it took me out for nine days.  In fact, four of the nine days I couldn't even eat.  Once all the poison was gone, my body was left feeling very weak.   

After an hour of feeling crushed by this feeling, I quickly refocused and marched to the studio.  I knew there was only one thing to do about it - GO BACK TO TRAINING!

Here is what I did:

Hanging Lat Pull Ups
Olympic Clean and Press
Gravity Machine Jacknife & Pike
Followed By...
Battle Ropes & Agility Work down the rope and back 1-2-3
1= Alternating waves & Lateral in and outs hops with 180 spin half way through
2= circles waves & chris cross scissors hops with 180 spin half way through (meaning I move forwards and backwards)
3= Smash Waves & 360 Lateral forward and backward hops
And to finish it off... rope climb!!

I felt like I killed it like a champ lol -  3-4 sets of the first half, 2 sets of second half - all done under an hour!! Not bad for the first one in over two weeks. I'm back BITCHES!!!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Team SYMFIT GROUP TRAIN Is ready to go!!

We have 2 complimentary sessions for you guys to meet our team and let you experience the SYMFIT Advantage.  

At Executive Lifestyles Personal Training Studios, #100 – 555 West 8th Ave. Vancouver, BC

This is not a bootcamp.  SYMFIT group Train combines strategic strength training, yoga & martial arts (SYM), it may feel more like playing rather than training. Don't be fooled, our goal with the class is to provide a functional full-body strength workout in a semi-private setting - think modified personal training at a fraction of the cost.

Team SYMFIT Group Train Packs:

First Session:  No Charge - Come and try it on us!

20 Session Pack $25 per session

12 Session Pack $30 per session 

(Expires 3 months from purchase date)


There is parking in the Whole Foods Parking Lot.  It cost $3 but if you purchase $10 at Whole Foods, they will reimburse you.

Also, free parking in the No Frills Parking Lot. We have parked there and have never had any issues.

Email to reserve your spot!

* For more info on GRAVITY MACHINES, check out this link:

Come say hi and join the fun!  Please pass this information onto anyone who you think will enjoy it :)

Website coming soon.  We are currently putting the final touches on it now.  Check back soon!

Water vs Coke?

We all know that water is important but I’ve never seen it written down like this before.

1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.

3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as much as 30%.

4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.

8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

And now for the properties of COKE

1. In many states (in the USA) the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in the truck to remove blood from the highway after a car accident.

2. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in two days.

3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and let the “real thing” sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china.

4. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.

5. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.

6. To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes.

7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.

8. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.

For Your Info
1. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase in osteoporosis.

2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for Highly corrosive materials.

3. The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years!

Now the question is, would you like a glass of water or coke?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

PodCast: Breaking the Myths of Fitness & How to get RESULTS!

Here is the aforementioned podcast upload by my partner in crime DJ McKay. Recorded in Vancouver, BC. Hope everyone enjoys this!!

We break down the myths in fitness and tell you the REAL TRUTH about...

How to lose weight?
How to gain muscle?
How to stay motivated?
Do I need a personal trainer?
Where to start when working out if I am new?
How do I gain weight?
I am not getting results, WHY?
How should i set fitness goals?
How often should I work out?
P90X/ Insanity/ Crossfit effective?
Effective Nutrition for most of us?
Woman getting bulky with resistance training?
How to change the shape of my body?
How do I get a 6 pack?
What supplements should I take?

Find more on DJ McKay and Beki Liang on twitter: @onedjmckay @bekiliang

What do you??? Leave a comment (if you dare). Please share if you know anyone that can benefit from this :)

Where I have been...

Hi everyone!!

Just wanted to address where I have been as of late.  I think it's been almost three weeks since I have published a new posting.  Never fear, I haven't called it a quits.  In reality, the last three weeks have been the busiest of my life.  Okay I'm bullshitting you, nothing beats college and university, but it was a busy time none the less.  Not sure where the time went, but that's the beauty of life, sometimes it goes fast and sometimes it goes slow, all without warning. I love it!!

On the top of my head, I can say my time was divided up among a few things.

A lot of time went to preparing for my Hockey finals.  It was a long month, my team, the Blueliners, went all the way to the end, only to lose it in a shoot out.  A unsettling manner to be defeated in (especially a Gold Puck game - that's the prize in the end), but all in all it was a memorable season!     

I also took last week off to break the routine and declutter my mind.  Much of that time was spent on re-focusing and re-centering.  Time and time again, our busy lives take us away from the things we love.  Too true that was for me.  So I decided to stopped it before I drifted too far away.  Time was spent traveling/discovering more of BC, practicing my skills with the guitar, reading (not writing lol), experimenting with new training methods/techniques, snowboarding, etc.  It was a refreshing experience.  I highly recommend it to anyone if they can find the time off themselves.

Safe to say, my own personal workouts have been going very strong.  I hope yours have been too.  I Hope to publish a few new routines for everyone by the end of this month.  Just to warn you, I have been working hard on a lot of handstand positions made famous by yoga.  If you haven't tried yoga yet, do yourself a favour and do it.  A whole new dimension of fitness will open up for you.  Promise. 

Spent a week catching up on the remainder of season 3 of the walking dead.  It was hard to ignore it as EVERYONE around me was talking about it.  My opinion, the finale was two thumbs down lol.  I guess the remainder of my time went to hanging out with family and friends and dating.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a whole lot of things that should get recognition.  Meh!

Oh yeah... WORK.  I work for a living too.  I love my job so I don't view it as work and it's often not on my mind.  Don't hate hehe :)  I am happy to say SymFit is almost ready for launch.  What is SymFit, you ask!  It's the new personal training company I am proud to be a part of.  Since the beginning of the year, me and my team have been hard at work with various aspects of it.  I can't wait to expose it to the world.  Speaking of various aspects, we recently recorded a podcast on "Breaking the Myths of Fitness & How to get RESULTS!" which I will be publishing later in the day.  So stay tuned for that.  Your not going to want to miss it!

Now that I am slowly coming back into full swing, I will be posting regularly again.  So keep stopping by to say HI :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Slam of the week: Worlds strongest kids!

Meet the Stroe brothers, Giuliano and Claudiu.  They are the world's strongest for their age categories, 7 and 5 respectively.

The children live in Galati, Romania, about 3 hours drive from Bucharest. The two started workout routines with their father, Iulian, when they were only two years old. They follow their father's weightlifting routine and the result, two incredibly strong kids.
The oldest of the two, Giuliano, has already made it into the Guinness Book of World Records after he did the fastest 10m hand stand walk with weighted balls between his legs.  Aside from that, also set another world record on a Italian TV Show after he performed 20 air push ups.  For those unfamiliar with air push ups,  it is a very physically demanding exercise which involves raising the body from a horizontal position into a handstand with the feet never touching the ground. 
If Giuliano hasn't put you and your training to shame yet, check out the latest youtube clip showing Guilano's most recent feats of strength.
Although Giuliano is getting majority of the attention, his little bother Claudiu isn't far behind him as evidence from the first video.  It is only a matter of time before the worlds starts talking about Claudiu's feats of strength.  One can only wonder what he'll do to WOW us.  I guess the future only knows.
When the two Stroe brothers aren't training, they enjoy normal children's activities such as painting and TV cartoons.

If these two kids don't motivate you to push your training to that next level, I don't know what will lol.  Have a great week everyone!  Remember, if you enjoyed this, share it with your friends (or the world).

Monday, March 11, 2013

Slam of the week: Only Six...

A six-year-old break-dancer going by the name of “B-girl Terra” puts her adult rivals to shame in this weeks "Slam of the week". 

Although the diminutive dance prodigy wowed the crowd at the Chelles Battle Pro competition in Paris last weekend with a series of acrobatic windmills and head-spins, it was another dancer called Jalen who won the overall “Baby Battle” at the weekend contest.  Be that as it may, Terra did win the Best Dancer award that night.

After some research, I found out that Terra is from Wolverhampton, UK.  She is a member of the UK break-dancing troupe Soul Mavericks. She was added to their roster in 2012 together with her eight-year-old sister Eddie.

I'm sure this isn't the last time we see Terra lighting up the dancer floor.  Keep up all the hard work girl!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

A personal trainers workout: Tax break (At-home workout Part 2)

As many of you are aware - tax season is among us. Pain in the ass! Being an entrepreneur, I am in charge of filing and organizing all of my business related transactions. Unfortunately for me, I slacked off on it last fall. Meaning, long hours kept in the apartment doing a mundane task of "updating the books". Fortunately, for every con there is a pro (just waiting to be found). The pro - again I would need to be creative with my workout for the day.

So here it is... The second routine I did:
Yoga block glut raises (on all fours)
Standing resistance band side shoulder raises
Standing resistance band bicep curl
Chair dips
Resistance band side to side crab walk
Chest height anchored resistance band reverse flys
Low anchored resistance band preacher curl
High anchored resistance band tricep pull down

All I used to complete this routine is a yoga block (phone book is a great alternative), various resistance bands (aka tubes), and a chair (edge of table works great as well). This routine works shoulders, biceps, triceps, and glut/hip strength. Give 'er a go! Share your at-home workouts!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sportsmanship at its finest

A Texas teen has set the example of sportsmanship by unselfishly surrendering the basketball to a developmentally disabled member of the opposing team so he could score a point during a game. Such a incredible heartwarming moment. Share this with others!

And now for a good laugh...   Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Slam of the week: Kid fights back!

I may be an hour late with this, but in honor of anti-bullying day (which was yesterday, if you haven't caught on yet) I am happy to present the slam of the week (a post I hope to be doing regularly to highlight people's achievements). Without further ado...

Great to see this kid standing up for himself.  This is a clear case of high school bullying.  No one deserves to be scared and helpless.  With that said, no one should have to take shit from anyone either.  Glad to see this kid stand up for himself.  After doing some research, all I could dig up was his name is Casey Heynes, and that this incident occurred at a New South Wales, Australia high school.  Good on ya, Casey!  Way to lead the charge!

As my parting words regarding bullying - Lets all band together. Stand up for our friends and stand up for strangers that are in need.  Lets stand up for doing whats right.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Personal Trainers Workout: Derailed... Not! (At-home workout Part 1)

Oh man... life has become busy. Good busy of coarse. However, good busy is still busy lol. Some of you may have been wondering why I haven't been posting under my "Personal Trainer's workouts" tags. I'm happy to report that everything is going great with my training. Because of the busyness of the last couple of weeks I've resorted to at-home workouts (which I'm happy to share with you).

If you didn't already, at home workouts can be just as effective as workouts at the gym. All you need is some simple equipment (that can be found at any fitness equipment store), some open space (you'll be surprised how little is really needed), some know how, a open mind, and the will-power to stop when you drop.

The first routine I did:
Inner thigh body ball squeeze
Body ball reverse bridge hold hamstring roll-in
Elbow to thigh sit-up/crunch (90 degree legs on ball)
Push up (hands on ball)
Alternating bent knee jackknife/straight leg jackknife lower abs roll-in
Body ball ab rollout
Body ball weighted bridge with butt drop (used kettle bell as weight, placed under belly button. Any weight will work)

All I used for this routine is a body ball & kettle bell. This routine works on a lot of core, chest, hip stability, glutes, and hamstrings. Simple right?! Try it yourself :)

Stay tuned next week for more at-home workouts. Chao!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Health Fact: How many greens are you eating?


Fact:  Greens are the No. 1 food you can eat regularly to help improve your health - That's because leafy vegetables are brimming with fiber along with vitamins, minerals, and plant-based substances that may help protect you from heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.

Check out this great link for the top ten vegetable choices CLICK HERE

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Recipes when I feel like it: Homemade Penutbutter & Banana Protein Bars

It's time again for another protein bar recipe.  My curious mind hasn't stopped racing with ideas since my last protein bar post.  Since then I've been experimenting with various recipes.  Here is my favorite out of the bunch.

Just like before, to make things easier, I will again separate the ingredients into a dry and wet bowl.  Remember  you will need two large bowls that make up your dry and wet bowls.  However, this time around your wet bowl may be metal as nothing will need to be melted.  Lets get started!     

Dry Bowl Ingredients:
2 cups Oats
1/4 cup Shredded Coconuts (Sweetened or Unsweeted, pick your poison)
1/2 cup Raisins (or dates, cranberries, dried fruits, etc)
1/2 cup Dark Chocolate Chips or Chunks (Check out the benefits)
1/4 cup Almonds (shredded or whole, your choice.  Can also substitute for other nuts)
2 tsp Cinnamon
1 cup Protein Powder (Natural, Vanilla or Chocolate are best for taste)

2 tbsp Flax Seeds (Check out the benefits)
2 tbsp Chia Seeds (Check out the benefits)
1/2 Apple (cut into small chunks)

Assemble everything into one bowl. Mixing everything up. Now put your dry bowl a side to make room for the next bowl.

Wet Bowl Ingredients:
1 Ripe Banana (mashed)
1/4 cup Maple Syrup (or honey if that is all you got) (Check out the benefits)
1/2 cups Peanut Butter (prefer natural but if all you got is skippy or Kraft - go with what you got!  Any other nut butter will work as well)
1 tsp Vanilla

Unlike the last bowl, where it was just collecting ingredients, the wet bowl will require you to use some "elbow grease". Before assembling the ingredients together, you will need to first place a pealed banana into the bowl and mash it up.  I found a spoon works best, but anything you find that you believe will get the job done will work.  After the banana is completely mashed, you can begin to assemble the remaining ingredients into the bowl.  Mix everything up! 

Now that you have your two bowls completed, pour the contents of your wet bowl into your dry bowl.

Now for the fun part (finally!). Time to get your hands all up in there and mix everything up.  Remember though, wash your hands first lol ;)

Once everything is mixed together, transfer the contents to a baking tray to be put into the fridge for an hour or two (or in the freezer if your in a hurry). I found long tupperware containers works well as well (so save those pastic chinese take out containers). Keep the tray in the fridge until ingredients have completely solidified.

Voila!!! The protein bars are done!!! I'll leave you with the freedom to decide how to cut into smaller bars.

Enjoy!!!  And again, don't be shy - If you have an input on how to make this better (or different, in a good way) send your thoughts my way :)

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Adventures with the Go Pro: Amatuer Hockey at it's best!

For those that don't know, I am more than just a gym rat.  I know it must be hard to imagine with my last couple of posts.  In fact, as a personal trainer, I don't spend much time there at all.  Maybe 3-4 times a week (not including the time when I'm with a client).  Majority of my time is spent outdoors (or at a indoor arena) doing various activities (which is something I encourage all my clients to do). 

Recently, one of my fellow players on my Hockey team (James, our goalie) thought it would be fun to capture one of our games using his GO PRO Camera.  Oh man, was it ever a great idea.  We as a team learned so much from watching ourselves play this past week.  Here are the highlights from our game against our nemesis The Aviators.  Unfortunately it was a losing effort (4-3 OT).  Look out for me, number 11 in the white jersey.

If you ever get a chance to, I highly recommend that you capture yourself on camera doing the things you love.  Not only will you get a whole new level of satisfaction and appreciation for yourself, but you may also notice a few new things to change/add to help yourself improve to that next level.

Now, go play outside and push yourself to the limits no matter the conditions.  You won't be sorry you did :)

Friday, January 25, 2013

A Personal Trainers Workout: Day Five

So, it has been about week since I've posted another "A Personal Trainers Workout".  Some of you fitness enthusiast must be worried that I've dropped off.  Don't you worry, I am still going strong.  Truth be told, it's going so well that I've expanded my horizons into new a skill/hobby.  This week I took up knitting.  Man, for something that I deemed girlie in the past, I can say it is very peaceful and takes a lot of patience and discipline.  Reminds me a lot of  when I first started playing the guitar, patience and discipline were an issue.  But over time, with practice, I over came them.  And in a few weeks, I will I have myself a brand new scarf (that I made myself lol).  But, enough about that.  For those that are wondering, I have been in the gym four times since my last "routine post".  I did this routine Last Sunday: 

Body Ball Inner Thigh Squeeze and Bridge
Body Ball Hamstring Roll In
Single Leg Shoulder Raise with Single Leg Calf Raise (on yoga block) 
Single Arm Bicep Preacher Curl (I used a 45 degree bench, stood behind it with my arm resting against it)
Olympic Dead Lift
Tricep Dips (on Dip Wrack)
Bent Over Single Arm Reverse Fly (on Pully Machine)

Again, I did 12-15 reps and 3 sets each.  The workout took me about an hour to finish.  For the remainder of the week I revisited my previous two workouts and this one once more.  I will most likely be switching up my routines next week or the week after next so stay tuned.

As always, I dare you to try it if you think your ready for it lol :)  And like before, if your unsure about a exercise, msg me and I will give you feed back on how to achieve it.  Have fun, play hard, and remember to stretch for 10-30 min after your workout (it's just as important as the workout itself).  Stay healthy kids!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Food Colour Wheel

Got this image from a friend of mine this morning.  After reading through it, I instantly knew I needed to share this everyone.  I'd give one of my usual descriptions, but I think the image speaks for itself.  Enjoy and share!