
Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Surprising Health Benefits of the Cantaloupe

You might have read that I was recently hit with a bad case of food poisoning.  To say the least, the two weeks I lost because of it was not a highlight of my month.  But, with every con, there is a pro waiting to be discovered.  Luckily for me, I think I may have discovered it early.  Once I started to get back to my normal routines, I began to think about the food I was putting into my body.  More importantly, why I was putting it into my body.  After a short ponder, I realized I was no expert in this area.  Therefore, I did what most of my generation do when we need to know the answer to a question, I googled it lol.   
I choice to start my search with what I was currently eating at the time, a cantaloupe. 
The cantaloupe is a species of melon found in the Cucurbitacae family.  For those that like fun facts, sorry to say, that is my first and only fun fact about the cantaloupe that I will be sharing.  Now lets quickly fast-forward to the fun stuff, the great benefits of the cantaloupe.  

1. Great Source of Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene

If you are looking to incorporate vitamin A sources into your diet then cantaloupes will make a great addition to your diet plan.  In fact, cantaloupes contain concentrated amounts of beta-carotene. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A.  Both nutrients are essential for the maintenance of healthy eyesight.  In a study that included more than 50,000 women whose ages ranged from 45 to 67, it was found that those who consumed high amounts of vitamin A on a daily basis reduced their risk of developing cataracts by as much as 40%.  Those women who ate cantaloupes as a regular part of their diet also had a lower risk of surgery from cataracts.  On the contrary, women whose diets included a lot of salt, butter and unhealthy fats had a higher risk of cataract surgery.  Research has also shown that there may be a possible link between beta-carotene and cancer prevention.

2. Great Source of Vitamin C

Aside from being a significant source of vitamin A, cantaloupes are also good sources of vitamin C.  Vitamin C is an antioxidant which functions in the water-soluble parts of the body.  As you might know, antioxidants help fight free radicals in your body.  Free radicals spread damage to your cells, causing diseases and signs of aging.  Vitamin C also strengthens your immune system by stimulating your white blood cells.  Your white blood cells are responsible for killing viruses, bacteria and other foreign elements that seek to enter your body.

3. Promotes the Health of Your Lungs

A recent study showed that consumption of a vitamin A-rich food like cantaloupe is also beneficial to smokers.  If you’re a smoker or someone who is constantly exposed to second-hand smoke then you might want to make cantaloupes a regular part of your diet.  One of the carcinogens found in cigarette smoke reportedly created a vitamin A deficiency in the body.  When you start incorporating more vitamin A into your diet, the deficiency is reversed and you also lower your risk of developing lung diseases like emphysema.

4. Prevents Cardiovascular Disease

Cantaloupes are also rich in a compound called adenosine.  Adenosine is typically administered to patients who have heart disease since this compound has blood-thinning properties. When your blood is thin, you can prevent blood-clotting in the cardiovascular system.  The folate present in cantaloupes and all types of melons also help in preventing a heart attack.

5. Reduces Stress

Cantaloupe might also be an ideal fruit to eat during those times when you are feeling anxious and stressed.  Cantaloupe is rich in potassium which normalizes the heartbeat and promotes the supply of oxygen to the brain.  As a result, you feel more relaxed and focused.
Hope everyone found this interesting.  Stayed tuned for more about other foods, mainly their benefits lol.

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