
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A personal trainers workout: Post-Food Poisoning (I'm back bitches!!)

Before I begin, sorry that it has been a while since my last post.  Like usual, life has been busy.  Happy to say, that lots of work has been going into the SYMFIT website - it is almost finished!!!  Fingers crossed for end of the month :) 

As for the title - Part of my disappearance was due to an illness, this time around, food poisoning.  How bad was it - it took me out for nine days.  In fact, four of the nine days I couldn't even eat.  Once all the poison was gone, my body was left feeling very weak.   

After an hour of feeling crushed by this feeling, I quickly refocused and marched to the studio.  I knew there was only one thing to do about it - GO BACK TO TRAINING!

Here is what I did:

Hanging Lat Pull Ups
Olympic Clean and Press
Gravity Machine Jacknife & Pike
Followed By...
Battle Ropes & Agility Work down the rope and back 1-2-3
1= Alternating waves & Lateral in and outs hops with 180 spin half way through
2= circles waves & chris cross scissors hops with 180 spin half way through (meaning I move forwards and backwards)
3= Smash Waves & 360 Lateral forward and backward hops
And to finish it off... rope climb!!

I felt like I killed it like a champ lol -  3-4 sets of the first half, 2 sets of second half - all done under an hour!! Not bad for the first one in over two weeks. I'm back BITCHES!!!

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