
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Slam of the week: Kid fights back!

I may be an hour late with this, but in honor of anti-bullying day (which was yesterday, if you haven't caught on yet) I am happy to present the slam of the week (a post I hope to be doing regularly to highlight people's achievements). Without further ado...

Great to see this kid standing up for himself.  This is a clear case of high school bullying.  No one deserves to be scared and helpless.  With that said, no one should have to take shit from anyone either.  Glad to see this kid stand up for himself.  After doing some research, all I could dig up was his name is Casey Heynes, and that this incident occurred at a New South Wales, Australia high school.  Good on ya, Casey!  Way to lead the charge!

As my parting words regarding bullying - Lets all band together. Stand up for our friends and stand up for strangers that are in need.  Lets stand up for doing whats right.


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