
Friday, December 27, 2013

Good news -> I am back

So it's been awhile since my last post.  Where have I been, you ask.  The answer, traveling around Europe for a month (longest I have ever travelled). I have now been back for a little over a month and let me tell you, it's been a struggle to adapt back to normal life.  To paint you a picture, imagine me, jet-lagged as shit, arriving back at richmond airport (in the great Vancouver, BC) just as the staff were setting up the Christmas decorations. I am back!  I am speaking to none other than Christmas, that jolly jolly chaotic mess near the end of the year. And as we all know, it happens every December 25th. So, ready or not... Go.  Fuck!

But I digress, Christmas is over. And like always, I survived.  It was a blast while it was here but it's time to move back on with life.  Back to where I left off, I am grad to say that I am moving full swing again.  Daily routines are returning and feeling familiar again (thank god lol).  Cleaning up after myself still needs some fine tuning, but it's getting easier each day - I am living with the fact that I forgot to pack my stewards with me back home lol.

So the good news from here is you all will be hearing a whole bunch more from me in the new year.  Till then!

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