
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Where I have been...

Hi everyone!!

Just wanted to address where I have been as of late.  I think it's been almost three weeks since I have published a new posting.  Never fear, I haven't called it a quits.  In reality, the last three weeks have been the busiest of my life.  Okay I'm bullshitting you, nothing beats college and university, but it was a busy time none the less.  Not sure where the time went, but that's the beauty of life, sometimes it goes fast and sometimes it goes slow, all without warning. I love it!!

On the top of my head, I can say my time was divided up among a few things.

A lot of time went to preparing for my Hockey finals.  It was a long month, my team, the Blueliners, went all the way to the end, only to lose it in a shoot out.  A unsettling manner to be defeated in (especially a Gold Puck game - that's the prize in the end), but all in all it was a memorable season!     

I also took last week off to break the routine and declutter my mind.  Much of that time was spent on re-focusing and re-centering.  Time and time again, our busy lives take us away from the things we love.  Too true that was for me.  So I decided to stopped it before I drifted too far away.  Time was spent traveling/discovering more of BC, practicing my skills with the guitar, reading (not writing lol), experimenting with new training methods/techniques, snowboarding, etc.  It was a refreshing experience.  I highly recommend it to anyone if they can find the time off themselves.

Safe to say, my own personal workouts have been going very strong.  I hope yours have been too.  I Hope to publish a few new routines for everyone by the end of this month.  Just to warn you, I have been working hard on a lot of handstand positions made famous by yoga.  If you haven't tried yoga yet, do yourself a favour and do it.  A whole new dimension of fitness will open up for you.  Promise. 

Spent a week catching up on the remainder of season 3 of the walking dead.  It was hard to ignore it as EVERYONE around me was talking about it.  My opinion, the finale was two thumbs down lol.  I guess the remainder of my time went to hanging out with family and friends and dating.

I'm sure I'm forgetting a whole lot of things that should get recognition.  Meh!

Oh yeah... WORK.  I work for a living too.  I love my job so I don't view it as work and it's often not on my mind.  Don't hate hehe :)  I am happy to say SymFit is almost ready for launch.  What is SymFit, you ask!  It's the new personal training company I am proud to be a part of.  Since the beginning of the year, me and my team have been hard at work with various aspects of it.  I can't wait to expose it to the world.  Speaking of various aspects, we recently recorded a podcast on "Breaking the Myths of Fitness & How to get RESULTS!" which I will be publishing later in the day.  So stay tuned for that.  Your not going to want to miss it!

Now that I am slowly coming back into full swing, I will be posting regularly again.  So keep stopping by to say HI :)

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