
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Adventures with the Go Pro: Amatuer Hockey at it's best!

For those that don't know, I am more than just a gym rat.  I know it must be hard to imagine with my last couple of posts.  In fact, as a personal trainer, I don't spend much time there at all.  Maybe 3-4 times a week (not including the time when I'm with a client).  Majority of my time is spent outdoors (or at a indoor arena) doing various activities (which is something I encourage all my clients to do). 

Recently, one of my fellow players on my Hockey team (James, our goalie) thought it would be fun to capture one of our games using his GO PRO Camera.  Oh man, was it ever a great idea.  We as a team learned so much from watching ourselves play this past week.  Here are the highlights from our game against our nemesis The Aviators.  Unfortunately it was a losing effort (4-3 OT).  Look out for me, number 11 in the white jersey.

If you ever get a chance to, I highly recommend that you capture yourself on camera doing the things you love.  Not only will you get a whole new level of satisfaction and appreciation for yourself, but you may also notice a few new things to change/add to help yourself improve to that next level.

Now, go play outside and push yourself to the limits no matter the conditions.  You won't be sorry you did :)

Friday, January 25, 2013

A Personal Trainers Workout: Day Five

So, it has been about week since I've posted another "A Personal Trainers Workout".  Some of you fitness enthusiast must be worried that I've dropped off.  Don't you worry, I am still going strong.  Truth be told, it's going so well that I've expanded my horizons into new a skill/hobby.  This week I took up knitting.  Man, for something that I deemed girlie in the past, I can say it is very peaceful and takes a lot of patience and discipline.  Reminds me a lot of  when I first started playing the guitar, patience and discipline were an issue.  But over time, with practice, I over came them.  And in a few weeks, I will I have myself a brand new scarf (that I made myself lol).  But, enough about that.  For those that are wondering, I have been in the gym four times since my last "routine post".  I did this routine Last Sunday: 

Body Ball Inner Thigh Squeeze and Bridge
Body Ball Hamstring Roll In
Single Leg Shoulder Raise with Single Leg Calf Raise (on yoga block) 
Single Arm Bicep Preacher Curl (I used a 45 degree bench, stood behind it with my arm resting against it)
Olympic Dead Lift
Tricep Dips (on Dip Wrack)
Bent Over Single Arm Reverse Fly (on Pully Machine)

Again, I did 12-15 reps and 3 sets each.  The workout took me about an hour to finish.  For the remainder of the week I revisited my previous two workouts and this one once more.  I will most likely be switching up my routines next week or the week after next so stay tuned.

As always, I dare you to try it if you think your ready for it lol :)  And like before, if your unsure about a exercise, msg me and I will give you feed back on how to achieve it.  Have fun, play hard, and remember to stretch for 10-30 min after your workout (it's just as important as the workout itself).  Stay healthy kids!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Food Colour Wheel

Got this image from a friend of mine this morning.  After reading through it, I instantly knew I needed to share this everyone.  I'd give one of my usual descriptions, but I think the image speaks for itself.  Enjoy and share!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

You Asked, We Answered: Answers From A Personal Trainer

Recently, me and my business partner DJ Mckay held a "ask a personal trainer anything"  over Facebook regarding health and fitness.  Here is one of the questions asked and answered.

Is the P90X program any good? 

Yes, and no.

The P90X program does a lot of things right. Its primary focus is “muscle confusion” which is great for breaking through plateaus. Its variety of exercises keeps things fresh and sustainable. The emphasis on the mid-belt (core) section is better than most other programs I have come across.

What this program does lack is that it only has one gear (overdrive). Training at a level 10 all the time is counterproductive to you achieving your goals not just because of “burnout”, but on a hormonal level as well (cortisol excretion).

Instead of “overdrive mode” all the time, a far more superior approach is to constantly train at various intensities (Eg. one day sprint, next day walk).

Another thing missing from P90X is the lack of training specifically for skill-based fitness. Along with toning/building/losing fat, training to improve speed, dexterity, balance, coordination and flexibility is a MUST. Skill-based training will have a serious positive impact on your life. Also, even better than just shedding fat is shedding fat and gaining flexibility and athletic performance (even if you are not an athlete).

Is P90X for you?

P90X is for someone who already has laid down a solid base of fitness. If you haven’t gotten your ass up off the couch since Adam Sandler was in a good movie, start with walking around your block a few times a week, doing some pushups and situps, and eating better. Begin at the beginning.


P90X is a good addition for someone who has a solid fitness base or is an athlete, however the program is not complete.

Hope this helps someone!

Stay tuned for more questions answered and for more information on when our next Ask a Trainer Anything period will be.


Friday, January 18, 2013

A Personal Trainers Workout: Day Four At The Gym

With the success of my last workout I was very anxious to get back into the gym.  To make sure I did the workout (and push myself during it lol), I invited a friend along as extra motivation - thanks again Shannon!!!  Without further ado here is the routine we choose to do:

Warm Up:  Light Jog

Done Together:
Clapping Plank  (Need Partner for this)
V-Bend Sit Up (while supine) - 180 roll - Superman (while prone)

Alternating Stations:
1) Burpees with a 180 twist
2) Good ol' Fashioned Kettlebell Swing
1) Good ol' Fashioned TRX Row
2) Split Squat Double Kettlebell Press
1) Floor Side Oblique Crunches
2) Kettlebell Double High Pull

Done Together:
Kettlebell Turkish Get Up

We were both feeling tired and drained that day, so we only did 2 sets (will push for 3 next time), about 12-20 reps (depending on exercise, basically pushed till failure).  Best not to rush into things.  With the chatting, the routine took us about 45 min to complete.

Just like my last routine, I dare you to try it if you think your ready for it lol :)  And as always, if your unsure about a exercise, msg me and I will give you feed back on how to achieve it.  Have fun, play hard, and remember to stretch for 10-30 min after your workout (it's just as important as the workout itself).

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Personal Trainers Workout: Just getting back into the swing of things

So as some of you might know - I was down and out the majority of December with concussion issues and clod/flu symptoms (both together was a nightmare lol).  Long story short, I became a hermit (something that I am not too accustomed to).  Yes, it does mean an early Christmas break for me.  WooHoo, right!?!?  Wrong.  As many of us have come to realize, with good there is always a bad.  Bad in this case being melon collie (from boredom and being antisocial - social media doesn't count as social to me), bad nutrition, and no activities (ie. working out, running, swimming, yoga, etc).  

Thankfully, January has rolled in finally - it could not have come faster lol.  Over the past week I have been trying to get back into my normal routine.  I am a fairly active guy so it's very unusual for me not to perform.  Actually, frustrating may be a better suited. The first week was VERY tough for me (physically, mentally, & emotionally).  But I persevered through it (thanks to supportive friends - thanks fuckers!).  Now that I'm onto the second week, everything is moving along close to where I left off.  If I dare say it, I may be back into full fledged beast mood soon lol.

This is my first workout of the new year (third if you count my "shit the bed" workouts from last week) that I am proud to share with you.  I did it with no hiccups or rest in between.  Three sets each (except warm up), 10-15 reps (varies depending on exercise), took me just under an hour to complete.

Heavy Rope skipping (warm up)
10 min Row (not a warm up)
Prone Side 90 degree Rotator Cuff Raises on inverted bench
Prone Straight Arm Extensions on inverted bench
Hanging Lat Pull Ups
Hanging Straight Leg Oblique Crunches
Good ol' Fashioned Plank
Single Bottoms Up Kettlebell Clean and Press
Olympic Cleans

I dare you to try it if you think you can handle it lol :)  Please keep in mind that some of these exercise are a bit on the advanced side, so to forego injuries, msg me and I will send you an easier alternative which will help you get to the desired exercise.  Have fun, play hard, but be safe kids!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Recipes when I feel like it: Good Morning Smoothie (better than coffee)

If your anything like me, your a busy person, you normally only have an hour or two to spare in the morning before having to run out the door.  With the usual routine of showering, grooming, & changing into presentable clothing, & responding to emails and texts, it really doesn't leave you much time left for breakfast.  This is very strange to me as food is supposed to be fuel for our bodies, it provides us with energy to get through our day.  So why is breakfast the one that we all choose to skimp on.  Are we really getting prepared for the day?

It is true, breakfast is in fact the most important meal of the day.  Like I said above, it's fuel for our bodies.  In the mornings, our bodies are running on empty.  Think of our bodies as a car and food is the fuel that helps it move. The body only has two options for fuel, either we eat something(in this instance, breakfast) or it converts the fat that is stored underneath our skin into energy that the body can use.

Not to sound arrogant, but I don't have much fat to spare.  So, that option really isn't going to work for me.  Not to mention that it's also not a very reliable source of energy.  **Fun fact: Your fat storage is normally only used for long distance activities (such as a 10K+ run or strenuous hike) or during starvation periods (luckily this is not a common problem for us in North America).  Long story short, there is no real purpose to having a lot of it.**  For me, I need something quick that provides my body with carbohydrates, protein, vitamins & minerals, fiber, etc. (You know, the GOOD stuff that our bodies needs to kick start your morning).  After experimenting with various ideas, the best to come out of it was a fruit smoothie.  I like this recipe the best.

1 Banana
1/4 - 1/3 cup mixed berries (fresh or frozen, whatever floats your boat)
1 - 2 scoops of protein powder (depends on your protein needs)
2 - 3 leafs of kale (check out the benefits)
1 chunk/cube of ginger (check out the benefits)
1/4 - 1/2 lemon (peeled or unpeeled, your call.  check out the benefits
1/2 cup milk (or soy, almonds, etc)
1/2 water

Simple to make in the mornings, place everything in the blender and blend, takes no more than 5 min if you have all the ingredients handy.  Only recommendation I have is you put the kale in last, it acts as a second splash guard lol.   

Now that I have been making various smoothies in the morning,  I have been experiencing more energy and an amazing "lighter on my feet" feeling (great for us morning runners).  Also, as long as I got a great sleep the night before, I have not felt the need for a cup of Jo in the morning either.

Give 'er a try if you dare!!!  Enjoy and go play outside! 

Please also share any of your favorite healthy recipes that you may have with me as I am always wanting to try new things :)  

Thursday, January 10, 2013

In case you run out of inspiration...

As a personal trainer, one of my jobs is too inspire and motivate people on a daily basis. Often after I've helped someone in some way, they always seem to regard me in some superior fashion. Spoiler alert - that could not be further from the truth.

I fall down and get scraped up all the time. My soul is littered with battle scars (and it will only continue to gain more). One of my scars reminds me to always share. Therefore, today I will share with you the many words that float around my "monkey brain" that give me that extra bit of energy to achieve.

It's a great day to be outside
I can't see why I couldn't do this
It's up to me
I wonder where this path leads me (only one way to find out)
I am so happy
I'm doing this for me
It's me-time
I believe in myself
Fuck yeah!
Screw the pain
Fuck it... Doing it!
I'm proud of myself (for doing it)
I'm going to workout
Boring! (Not for me, but least I tried it to know. Moving on)
Let's do this!
It's go time
It's great being me
I've been looking forward to this all day (especially when meeting up with a pretty girl hehe)
Failure sucks (therefore I won't let it happen)
I will take care of myself
I feel great
U inspire me (when speaking to others - this is sometimes said out load)
I love my body
I am strong
I'm motivated
Today it ends (then off to the next thing)
Tonight's the night
STOP, breathe, breathe, OKAY GO

Your probably wondering by now - where is this going?! It's simple, I motivate others because I first motivate myself. If that doesn't make sense to you, it will one day (that is a safe bet). As my final words in this post, I hope you (the reader) have a wonderful day and if you dare, flash a smile to a stranger :)  And, now for a laugh...

this one is for anyone who left this earth too soon...

There are things 

that we don't want to happen

but have to accept,

things we don't want to know

but have to learn,

and people we can't live without

but have to let go

Monday, January 7, 2013

11 commandments of mental health

1. Think positive; it's easier
2. Cherish the ones you love
3. Continue learning as long as you live
4. Learn from your mistakes
5. Exercise daily; it enhances your well-being - true story!
6. Do not complicate your life with unimportant matters
7. Try to understand and encourage those around you
8. Do not give up; no one said life would be easy
9. Discover and nurture your talents
10. Set goals for yourself and pursue your dreams
11. Love and share with others

Short and simple... Have a wonder day kids :)