
Thursday, January 10, 2013

In case you run out of inspiration...

As a personal trainer, one of my jobs is too inspire and motivate people on a daily basis. Often after I've helped someone in some way, they always seem to regard me in some superior fashion. Spoiler alert - that could not be further from the truth.

I fall down and get scraped up all the time. My soul is littered with battle scars (and it will only continue to gain more). One of my scars reminds me to always share. Therefore, today I will share with you the many words that float around my "monkey brain" that give me that extra bit of energy to achieve.

It's a great day to be outside
I can't see why I couldn't do this
It's up to me
I wonder where this path leads me (only one way to find out)
I am so happy
I'm doing this for me
It's me-time
I believe in myself
Fuck yeah!
Screw the pain
Fuck it... Doing it!
I'm proud of myself (for doing it)
I'm going to workout
Boring! (Not for me, but least I tried it to know. Moving on)
Let's do this!
It's go time
It's great being me
I've been looking forward to this all day (especially when meeting up with a pretty girl hehe)
Failure sucks (therefore I won't let it happen)
I will take care of myself
I feel great
U inspire me (when speaking to others - this is sometimes said out load)
I love my body
I am strong
I'm motivated
Today it ends (then off to the next thing)
Tonight's the night
STOP, breathe, breathe, OKAY GO

Your probably wondering by now - where is this going?! It's simple, I motivate others because I first motivate myself. If that doesn't make sense to you, it will one day (that is a safe bet). As my final words in this post, I hope you (the reader) have a wonderful day and if you dare, flash a smile to a stranger :)  And, now for a laugh...

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