
Monday, January 14, 2013

Recipes when I feel like it: Good Morning Smoothie (better than coffee)

If your anything like me, your a busy person, you normally only have an hour or two to spare in the morning before having to run out the door.  With the usual routine of showering, grooming, & changing into presentable clothing, & responding to emails and texts, it really doesn't leave you much time left for breakfast.  This is very strange to me as food is supposed to be fuel for our bodies, it provides us with energy to get through our day.  So why is breakfast the one that we all choose to skimp on.  Are we really getting prepared for the day?

It is true, breakfast is in fact the most important meal of the day.  Like I said above, it's fuel for our bodies.  In the mornings, our bodies are running on empty.  Think of our bodies as a car and food is the fuel that helps it move. The body only has two options for fuel, either we eat something(in this instance, breakfast) or it converts the fat that is stored underneath our skin into energy that the body can use.

Not to sound arrogant, but I don't have much fat to spare.  So, that option really isn't going to work for me.  Not to mention that it's also not a very reliable source of energy.  **Fun fact: Your fat storage is normally only used for long distance activities (such as a 10K+ run or strenuous hike) or during starvation periods (luckily this is not a common problem for us in North America).  Long story short, there is no real purpose to having a lot of it.**  For me, I need something quick that provides my body with carbohydrates, protein, vitamins & minerals, fiber, etc. (You know, the GOOD stuff that our bodies needs to kick start your morning).  After experimenting with various ideas, the best to come out of it was a fruit smoothie.  I like this recipe the best.

1 Banana
1/4 - 1/3 cup mixed berries (fresh or frozen, whatever floats your boat)
1 - 2 scoops of protein powder (depends on your protein needs)
2 - 3 leafs of kale (check out the benefits)
1 chunk/cube of ginger (check out the benefits)
1/4 - 1/2 lemon (peeled or unpeeled, your call.  check out the benefits
1/2 cup milk (or soy, almonds, etc)
1/2 water

Simple to make in the mornings, place everything in the blender and blend, takes no more than 5 min if you have all the ingredients handy.  Only recommendation I have is you put the kale in last, it acts as a second splash guard lol.   

Now that I have been making various smoothies in the morning,  I have been experiencing more energy and an amazing "lighter on my feet" feeling (great for us morning runners).  Also, as long as I got a great sleep the night before, I have not felt the need for a cup of Jo in the morning either.

Give 'er a try if you dare!!!  Enjoy and go play outside! 

Please also share any of your favorite healthy recipes that you may have with me as I am always wanting to try new things :)  

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