
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Personal Trainers Workout: Just getting back into the swing of things

So as some of you might know - I was down and out the majority of December with concussion issues and clod/flu symptoms (both together was a nightmare lol).  Long story short, I became a hermit (something that I am not too accustomed to).  Yes, it does mean an early Christmas break for me.  WooHoo, right!?!?  Wrong.  As many of us have come to realize, with good there is always a bad.  Bad in this case being melon collie (from boredom and being antisocial - social media doesn't count as social to me), bad nutrition, and no activities (ie. working out, running, swimming, yoga, etc).  

Thankfully, January has rolled in finally - it could not have come faster lol.  Over the past week I have been trying to get back into my normal routine.  I am a fairly active guy so it's very unusual for me not to perform.  Actually, frustrating may be a better suited. The first week was VERY tough for me (physically, mentally, & emotionally).  But I persevered through it (thanks to supportive friends - thanks fuckers!).  Now that I'm onto the second week, everything is moving along close to where I left off.  If I dare say it, I may be back into full fledged beast mood soon lol.

This is my first workout of the new year (third if you count my "shit the bed" workouts from last week) that I am proud to share with you.  I did it with no hiccups or rest in between.  Three sets each (except warm up), 10-15 reps (varies depending on exercise), took me just under an hour to complete.

Heavy Rope skipping (warm up)
10 min Row (not a warm up)
Prone Side 90 degree Rotator Cuff Raises on inverted bench
Prone Straight Arm Extensions on inverted bench
Hanging Lat Pull Ups
Hanging Straight Leg Oblique Crunches
Good ol' Fashioned Plank
Single Bottoms Up Kettlebell Clean and Press
Olympic Cleans

I dare you to try it if you think you can handle it lol :)  Please keep in mind that some of these exercise are a bit on the advanced side, so to forego injuries, msg me and I will send you an easier alternative which will help you get to the desired exercise.  Have fun, play hard, but be safe kids!

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