
Sunday, January 20, 2013

You Asked, We Answered: Answers From A Personal Trainer

Recently, me and my business partner DJ Mckay held a "ask a personal trainer anything"  over Facebook regarding health and fitness.  Here is one of the questions asked and answered.

Is the P90X program any good? 

Yes, and no.

The P90X program does a lot of things right. Its primary focus is “muscle confusion” which is great for breaking through plateaus. Its variety of exercises keeps things fresh and sustainable. The emphasis on the mid-belt (core) section is better than most other programs I have come across.

What this program does lack is that it only has one gear (overdrive). Training at a level 10 all the time is counterproductive to you achieving your goals not just because of “burnout”, but on a hormonal level as well (cortisol excretion).

Instead of “overdrive mode” all the time, a far more superior approach is to constantly train at various intensities (Eg. one day sprint, next day walk).

Another thing missing from P90X is the lack of training specifically for skill-based fitness. Along with toning/building/losing fat, training to improve speed, dexterity, balance, coordination and flexibility is a MUST. Skill-based training will have a serious positive impact on your life. Also, even better than just shedding fat is shedding fat and gaining flexibility and athletic performance (even if you are not an athlete).

Is P90X for you?

P90X is for someone who already has laid down a solid base of fitness. If you haven’t gotten your ass up off the couch since Adam Sandler was in a good movie, start with walking around your block a few times a week, doing some pushups and situps, and eating better. Begin at the beginning.


P90X is a good addition for someone who has a solid fitness base or is an athlete, however the program is not complete.

Hope this helps someone!

Stay tuned for more questions answered and for more information on when our next Ask a Trainer Anything period will be.


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