
Monday, March 17, 2014

Homemade Coconut Butter!

Before I begin this post, I just want to say sorry for my lack of posts lately.  Life is just crazy busy right now (guess, that is a good thing though lol).  Anyways, I do believe this posting will make up for my procrastination (especially in the $ department).

Anybody that knows me will tell you, I love my coconuts.  With that said, coconut butter is an essential must have in my kitchen.  In case you didn't know, coconut butter can be used in a number of ways.  It can be used in your favorite baked goods or sauces (as a replacement for butter) or as spread on your toast (my personal favorite).  I'm sure you can find other uses for it as well.  Now, it should be noted that coconut butter is not the same as coconut oil.  Coconut butter is made from the oils and meat of the coconut.  Image all that nutritional goodness.

If you are new to coconuts, let me be the first to tell you that the health benefits of coconuts are massive.  Keeping this with coconut butter, some of the benefits are as listed - It is known to improve your skin and hair, giving them a more nourished appearance.  Helps maintain weight by providing immediate energy with fewer calories than other fats.  For the women readers, I'm always looking out for you ladies lol, it is also known to reduce the craving for sweets.  That's right, the notorious "sweet tooth", reduced!  What's not to like about coconut butter?!?! 

It's not over yet.  Like always, I saved the best for last, it is an antimicrobial (from the oils).  What does that mean, it kills bad bacteria and fungi found inside the body.  Boom! Mind blown away lol.           

Alright, lets get started.  You will be surprised at how easy it is to make coconut butter.  And, how inexpensive it is to make.  All you need is dehydrated (unsweetened) coconut flakes, which can easily found in the bulk section of your grocery store, and a food processor.  Seriously.

1 cup of coconut flakes made me about a hockey puck size of butter.  It also cost me less than a buck.  True Story.

Depending on the size of you food processor, place as much coconut flakes in and process for approximately 8-10 minutes.  Depending on your food processor you may want to do two 4-5 minute sets so it doesn’t burn out your motor.

You will know you are finished when the contents inside are a milky, watery consistency.

Pour the liquid into a glass jar with a tight lid. The mixture will solidify over about 45-60 minutes.  You may want to store in fridge to speed up this step.  With that said, you don’t need to keep this in the fridge, it will keep as is for months in at a solid state at room temperature.  That is all.  Enjoy!  Till next time!  


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